ITK Programming for Help Function


int ITK_user_main(int argc, char *argv[])


int Ifail=0;

char* cUser=ITK_ask_cli_argument(“-u=”);

char* cPass=ITK_ask_cli_argument(“-p=”);

char* cGrp=ITK_ask_cli_argument(“-g=”);

char* chelp=ITK_ask_cli_argument(“-h”);



printf(“\nplease put user name in -u”);

printf(“\nplease put user password in -p”);

printf(“\nplease put user group in -g”);


if(tc_strcmp(cUser, NULL) == 0 || tc_strcmp(cUser, “”) == 0 ||tc_strcmp(cPass, NULL) == 0 || tc_strcmp(cPass, “”) == 0  ||tc_strcmp(cGrp, NULL) == 0|| tc_strcmp(cGrp, “”) == 0 )


printf(“\nTC login unsuccessfully”);




Ifail= ITK_init_module(cUser,cPass,cGrp);

printf(“TC login successfully”);


return 0;


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