ITK Programming-Find Item

ITK Programming for find Item


int ITK_user_main(int argc, char *argv[])

int  iRetcode= ITK_ok;
int  n            = 0;
tag_t    item = NULLTAG;
tag_t*  items= NULL;
const char* names[1]  = { “item_id” }, *values[1] = { “Your Item number like 000001”};

printf(“\nUtility Started…”);

iRetcode = ITK_init_module(“infodba”,”infodba password”,”dba”);

if(iRetcode != ITK_ok)


printf(“\nLogin Failed”);




printf(“\nLogin Successful.”);

iRetcode = ITEM_find_items_by_key_attributes(1, names, values, &n,&items);

if (n>0)


printf(“\nPart is present in Teamcenter”);




printf(“\nPart is not present in Teamcenter”);


if (n>0)


printf(“\nUtility completed…”);
return iRetcode;



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