FMS is a File Management System and provided as part of Teamcenter unified (TcUA). FMS downloads and Uploads files from the rich clients and thin clients configured with Teamcenter for life cycle visualization. It runs as service in the server (as FSC) and client machine (as FCC). Teamcenter Application and User interact with FMS framework through HTTP or HTTPS protocol.
FMS system retrieves the file from Volume as and when required by users. It transfer file across the network. There may be many Local cache server across different geographical location dedicated to the users of those locations. Single FMS system controls all these cache servers and provides service to users request to import/export files. FSC must installed on every volume or Cache server. In multiple FSC servers, we require one FSC server as a master for managing request and routing to different FSC servers.
How FMS Works?
Let’s suppose we have one Application and FMS server for Teamcenter at one location but users spread across the globe at four locations\countries. Now we can have four Local cache server at those countries to respective server users of those countries to provide fast upload and download experience.
Every replica of a file usually associates with a GUID. Whenever there is any modification in the data, this GUID gets change. Now when users request for a particular file, then FMS checks the file initially at its local cache. If it finds that the local cache has the latest GUID, then it opens the data from local cache else it went back to the FMS master and found the volume reference where the updated file resides with the latest GUID and open the data for the user.
FMS consists of two components: FSC and FCC.
- FSC (FMS Server Cache) is the name of the FMS server cache process, and it is a service running on the server side, which cache the file in the server and serves the multiple user requests. It shared Secure and server level cache and FSC upload and downloads file to other FSCs and FCCS. FSC must be installed on every volume server as multiple volume servers can exist by geographical location or number of users. In multiple FSC servers, we require one FSC server as a master for managing request and routing to different FSC servers.
- FCC (FMS client cache) work in client machine where it serves a request for single user and also interact with FSC for getting latest or new files from the server. The FCC provides a high-performance cache for both downloaded and uploaded data.
Check fsc status
- bat -s fsc_url ./config
- bat -s fsc_url./config/report
- bat -s fsc_url./status
- It provides central data storage and Backup file server.
- FMS file distribution system enable server to server file transfer between multiple TC System.
FMS Benefits
- Data distribution
- Avoid multiple hops
- Multiple support
- Support All network configuration (LAN, WAN and firewall configuration)
- Common caching system
- Pull through cache
- WAN Accretion
- No single point of failure
- Master configuration
- Manage Cache
- Secure server caches
- Secure Volume Servers
- Private user caches
- Streamed data delivery
- Partial file cache and delivery.
FMS component
- FMS Rich client cache : FMS rich client cache’s role is to cache down the recently accessed data to support the PLM rich clients.
- FMS Volume server : FMS volume server’s role is to capture and serve PLM files from reliable data storage resource.
- FMS cache servers : FMS cache server’s role is to latency of file delivery to end users.
- FMS configuration server : FMS configuration server primary function is to read and distribute the master configuration file to other FMS servers and the clients. It provide the administrator with the ability to centrally modify and maintain the FMS system at central location.
FMS (Read Access Flow)
1. User Request
2.PLM access check
3.Client cache check
4.Server Cache check
5.Volume serves the file
6.Server cache file streaming
7.Client cache processing
8.Application launch.
FMS (Write Access Flow)
1.User Request
2.PLM access check
3.Upload request
4.Local client cache file
5.Server cache file
6.File captured to volume
7.Create file object
8.Reference the file object.
We will more post on PLM Tutorial–>Teamcenter in upcoming days.
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I experienced the following error while opening a Assembly file (which was imported into teamcenter from standalone NX) in NX 12.
* An error occurred while downloading/uploading a file. Please check your FMS settings
when we check structure manager in PLM all this children/sub- Assy are properly avilable but only NX is not opening.
I am eagerly expecting the solution for the above error.