Workflow Handlers
Workflow Handlers are single or set of ITK programs to extend and customize the behavior of the task in the workflow. Handlers take the arguments as input and process as per the business logic is written in the code. They are two types of handlers:
- Rule Handler
- Action Handler
Rule Handler: It is used to integrate business rules into workflow process at task level. We can attach a pre or post condition to action handler in form of rule handler to make sure that defined rule has been satisfied.
Rule handler calls return two values:
EPM_go:– it is in form of command when rules are met. It indicates that the task can continue
EPM_nogo:– it is also in form of command when rules are not met. It indicates that task can’t continue.
Teamcenter Unified Customization Basics
Action Handler: It is used to trigger specific action at workflow task level. For example: displaying information, retrieving the results of previous tasks, notifying users, etc.
Below are the most frequently used OOTB handlers:
Rule Handlers:
EPM-check-condition, EPM-check-object-properties, EPM-check-related-objects, EPM-check-responsible-party, EPM-check-target-attachments, EPM-hold, EPM-validate-target-objects, EPM-assert-targets-checked-in
Teamcenter Unified Data Model Concept
Action Handlers:
EPM-auto-assign, EPM-attach-related-objects, EPM-adhoc-signoffs, EPM-change-ownership, EPM-check-signoff-comments, EPM-create-status, EPM-create-sub-process, EPM-demote
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Hi ,Can you Please Tell me how can I get the Information Of all the Reviewers in an Workflow Process through Customization??Just wanted to Know what approach should I follow??
Thanks in Advance…
Please explain handlers with use case scenarios, it will be more helpful for beginners
How to remove objects from target attachments?