Teamcenter Dispatcher parameters
Teamcenter Dispatcher contains following folders and each of them consist of configuration files and folder.
Lets start learn the significance and role of theses configuration files.
AdminClient : transclient.properties file from conf folder
- Staging.Dir : it is having value of staging area. You can alter the value of this parameter as per requirement, by default it is in %disp_root%\stage location.
- Module.Port : You could see the port number of modular here by default port number is 1999
DispatcherClient : Service.properties file from conf folder
- Service.Tc.Port : You can see the port number of dispatcher client by default port number is 11200
- Service.Email.SMTPServerName : specify the name of SMTP server. If you would like to see the default email notification once request has been completed then this parameter we need to specify
- Service.Email.AdminEmailId : Specify the Email address to receive a notification
- Service.Email.SendUserEmailOnError : If you set this value to 1 then you receive an e-mail notification of failure translation request.
- Service.Email.SenderId : Specify the Emails sender address
Module : transmodule.properties file from the conf folder
MaximumTasks : Maximum number of tasks allowed to in the module at a particular instant.
Port : You could see the port number of modular here by default port number is 1999
Another file from modular is important translator.xml
Here, xml is having information of translator like input and output for the translator, location of the translator etc.
For adding new service majorly we need to deal with translator.xml
Consider if your translator name is tcdoc2pdf.
Note: if your writing your new translator tag in translator.xml then refer any other tag of trasnalor from this file itself for reference.
Teamcenter Dispatcher Concept
1.Every translator is having a different tag with that translator name <tcdoc2pdf></tcdoc2pdf>
2.In the first line itself we need to provide Provide name,name of service, isactive.
<tcdoc2pdfprovider=”***” service=”tcdoc2pdf” isactive=”true” OutputNeeded=”true”>
if you make isactive as true then and then only your service will be availavble for translation from teamcenter.
3.<TransExecutable> specify the name of translator exe and mention the location where you kept that translator exe/batch.
4.<FileExtensions> Here we have to spcify the input extension and number of output extension.
We will more post on PLM TUTORIAL–>TEAMCENTER in upcoming days.
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