Enovia Interview Question and Answer|Set-4













Enovia Interview Question and Answer-MQL

Ques. What is MQL?

Ans:-MQL stand for Matrix Query Language, this is one of the most power tool for building and refining the eMatrix database. By which business administrator set up and test an eMatrix database quickly and in a efficient way.

It is similar to SQL,

Helps the end user to query on the Business objects in the database

Ques. What for MQL is used for?(Interactive – Command Line Based;Script – File Based;TCL – Using TCL shell through MQL )

Ans:-MQL is used for that is its basic role is to

  • Building and refining the eMatrix database
  • Adding , modifying large amounts of data
  • Extracting data

Interactive Command Line Based

  • Processes a line/command at a time
  • Online help accessible

Script File Based

  • Script file prepared using a normal text editor
  • Script contains MQL commands, comments etc
  • Used when there are a large number of commands


  • Written record of all definitions and changes
  • Copy and paste can be done easily
  • Secure and efficient

TCL Using TCL shell through MQL

  • Tcl (“tickle” or “tee-see-ell”) – Tool Command Language.
  • A simple scripting language for controlling and extending MQL
  • Contains Loops, Variables, Arrays and Procedures


Ques.what are the types of MQL command execution?

Ans.Interactive, Script, Tcl Mode

Ques.MQL is case sensitive or not?
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Enovia Interview Question and Answer:Set-3

Ques. How to run a mql file?
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Ques. How to run a tcl file that is in some directory..say “d:abc.tcl”?
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

QuesDefine transaction in MQL?
Ans:-A Transaction is a flow of operation fulfill as a single logical unit of work.

Ques.what is implicit transaction?
Ans:- Implicit transaction is a transaction which started with each MQL statement and if the statement is valid than that particular transaction is committed

Ques.expline explicit transaction?
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Ques. How do u create admin objects?

Add <admin object> <admin object name> description “some txt” indexspace”tablespace”;

Enovia Interview Question and Answer-Set2

Ques.How do u create business objects?
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Ques.what is the difference between Temp query bus and Print bus?
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Ques.how do u connect 2 objects? syntax
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Ques.what are the ways to get the related objects? or how will you Query Business Object Connections
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Ques.what for expand bus?
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Ques.Let us consider.. object A connects to Object B and B connects to C. Using A’s id how do u get the C’s id and name?(which query u will use)syntax..
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Enovia Interview Questions And Answers | Engineering Central

Ques.How to check-in and checkout using MQL?
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Ques. What is Query? difference between TempQuery and Saved query?
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Ques.What query do u use to view BO & Schema definitions?
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Ques. What is eMatrix context?
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Ques.what is meant by Tidy vault And what is its command in mql?
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Ques. How to create vault in MQL?

Ans:-add vault VAULTNAME description “VAULT DESCRIPTION” indexspace “TABLESPACE1” tablespace “TABLESPACE2”;

Enovia V6 Interview Questions And Answers

Ques.How to create store using MQL?
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Ques. How do I take backup of admin objects? Syntax
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Ques. How do I take backup of business objects? Syntax Import?
Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.


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