Enovia Interview Question and Answer
Ques. What is the difference between Route & Signature?
Ans: Route: A set of Tasks that a person defines for a group of people.
Signature: Particular person having the role to promote the state
Ques. What is the store used in your project & how many stores are there?
Ans: “STORE” Contains All checked File.
Three Types:-
Captured Store: Captured Store Contain Captured Files. Captured Files are maintained by eMatrix and rules are Policy that governs the associated with the Business Object.
Ingested Store: Ingested Store Contains Ingested Files. Ingested Files are totally controlled by eMatrix.
Tracked Store: Tracked Store Contains Tracked Files. This provides the least amount of eMatrix Control. Matrix maintains the information about the files but does not control the physical file.
Ques. What is Vault & what for it is used?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. What is Store for?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. How do u configure eMatrix?
Ans: bootstrap, eMatrix.ini (RMI Installation Path) and Matrix.ini (Matrix Installation Path, Java Path) files.
Ques. What is the difference between RIP & Non-Rip mode?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. How do u count bus objects using MQL command?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. Difference between Print bus, expand bus?
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Ques.MQL command to add Command?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. How do u check for the particular user, that the link is visible or not?
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Ques. What will happen if the user submits data & Oracle server is down or corrupted?
Ans: No transaction should be done.
Ques. What is RMI Server?
RMI (Remote Method Invocation) is a Java Application programming interface to performing the object equivalent of remote procedure calls.
Ques. what about Symbolic name and How to get the actual name from ADK and MQL?
Ans: AEF and Business Applications Identify administrative Objects using Symbolic Names rather than Standard Object Names.
For Example:
Original Name New Name
Part Item
Symbolic Name: type_Part
If you changed the Object Name to “Item” the Symbolic Name should be the same.
Ques. What is the get actual name from ADK and MQL
Ans:-PropertyUtil.getSchemaProperty (context, String (Symbolic Name));
Ques. How to move the objects which are in one eMatrix DB to another eMatrix DB?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. How to get the previous state of the object?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques:- What is about web forms.
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. Where do we set the SMTP, FTP path settings?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. What does eMatrix.ini symbolize?
Ans: eMatrix.ini is a Configuration File. It contains RMI Installation Path
Ques. How to connect to the database?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. Write an mql query to list all the parts which are in release state?
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Ques. Write an mql query to list all the relationships connected to the part?
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Ques. How to call a jpo from jsp?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. Can we invoke another jpo from another jpo as if cascading?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. How to add admin types used for an application other than adding up manually through Business modeler provided in Deliverables?
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Ques. How to hide and show a particular command at a particular state of any lifecycle of an object?
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Ques. What are Routes?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. What are Macros?
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Ques. How to retrieve related objects in ADK?
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Ques. What is the difference between ADK and AEF?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. What are the parameters passed into a jpo.invoke ()?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. What does BO and DO stand for?
Ans: BO—– Business Object
DO—- Domain Object.
Ques. What are store and vault? Types of store and vault
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. How to create a business object in jpo?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques.Can two policies govern a same type?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. Why do we use javascript in JSP?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques.Tags used in JavaScript?
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Ques. How to include style sheets in JSP?
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Ques. How to handle Runtime Exception in JSP?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. What are the triggers?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. Explain stores and vaults?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. Can we use the standalone Oracle database into the Matrix application database?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. Explain about Triggers?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques.MQL queries regarding eval count on command, delete checked in files?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. Why do we call RMI as a collaboration server?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. What is the difference between RIP and NON-RIP?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. Explain the Engineering Change Process?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. Explain Methods like expandSelect parameters?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. What are exceptions? What is the use of finally block?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. What are Routes?
Ans: Route: A set of Tasks that a person defines for a group of people.
Ques.Difference between Signatures and Routes?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. How to convert a JSP page into Webform?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. What is the structure browser?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. What is the difference between Table and Indented Table?
Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.
Ques. What is EBOM?
Ans: EBOM: A Bill of Material (BOM) lists the hierarchy of items used to make up a part or assembly.
Ques. MQL query regarding creating routes.
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Hi….Please tell me the answer for “Difference between AEF and ADK”
and different ADKs we used?