Teamcenter Job Interview Question & Answer For 2020














Are you one of fellow who still confusion whether to go with PLM field or branch related career?

If you don’t know, the PLM world is so vast that in every profession, you will find organization adapting PLM technology. So why not take a worth look at it?

If you are looking for a job in the PLM, particularly in Teamcenter application, then you will need a list of specific questions that may ask you in the technical round of interview.

From people in the PLM industry, we asked some questions of Teamcenter that will make a final point while the Company’s person is interviewing you.

So without wasting any time, let dig out below Teamcenter Question & Answer that will help for your interview.

Q. What is PLM?

Answer:-Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is a process to manage the entire lifecycle of a commodity from its beginning stages, through engineering design and manufacturing, to its usage and service and finally to its disposal.

Q. What is Teamcenter?

Q. Benefit of Teamcenter?

Q. Please explain Teamcenter architecture?

Q. Please explain 2tier and 4tier Teamcenter Architecture?

Q. Teamcenter installation process? 2-tier and 4-tier.

Q. Item, Item revision, Dataset and Form in Teamcenter?

Q. What is the difference between Item and Item revision in Teamcenter?

Q. What is dataset and Form in Teamcenter?

Q. What is the difference between a revision and version in Teamcenter?

Q. How to hide the dataset under Item Revision?

Answer:-  “Edit–>Options–>Search” & select the Latest Dataset Versions check box.

Q. How to revert to the previous dataset version?

Answer:- Revert to a prior dataset version to track changes and undo modifications to a dataset.

If you want to go back to a previous dataset version, choose the dataset and select “File–>Open With.”

The open dialog box, where you can specify a particular version of a dataset or a specific software application (tool) to apply for the current editing session.

Q. Creating datasets or dataset revisions based on existing datasets?

Answer:-  Use “Save As” command on the File menu; a user can create a new dataset based on an existing dataset. If dataset identification implemented at the user’s site, he can use this command to develop a revision of a current dataset.

Q. How to rename search?

Answer:- Please follow the below procedure in Teamcenter to Rename search.

On the mouse, right-click the search name, which you will find at the top of the list of search results. Next, “Explorer” Popup Menu appears.

Select “Rename” from the menu.

Type a new name for the search result and then press Enter.

The name of the search is changed to reflect the new name.

Q. How to compare the search results in Teamcenter?

Q. Please explain different types of release status?

Q. What is named reference?

Q. How to change corrupt dataset? Please explain the procedure.

Q. How to view/modify the named reference?

Q. How to change the default revision rules setting?

Q. What is the preference name of changing default background color?

Answer:- The PSEPreciseColorPref & PSEImpreciseColorPref preferences can be used to set the default background colors.

Q. How to show/hide button in Visualization?

Answer:- This option is available in the Structure Manager module.

The user can view visualization data or assembly structure for the components as well as for the BOM assembly from the Show/Hide Data Panel button.

There you can view other assembly components in the My Teamcenter tri-pane window.

Q. What is a substitute component in Teamcenter?

Answer:- In the assembly, substitute components are parts that can swap with a particular component.

Substitutes are often described for manufacturing purposes, allowing the use of the substitute if the selected part is not available.


• “Substitute components” are IR (Item Revision) in a precise assembly while items for an imprecise assembly.
• In an imprecise assembly, the revision rule picks the correct revision of a substitute component.
Substitute components distinguished with the substitute symbol in the BOM line.

Q. How much mode of compare product structure in Teamcenter?

Q. What is the difference between Precise and Imprecise assemblies in Teamcenter?

Q. What is the difference between “Where Used” and “Where referenced” in Teamcenter?

Q. What is BOM and BVR?

Q. How to change precise structure to imprecise structure?

Q. How to clone the product structure in Teamcenter?

Q. What is the corporate server?

Q. What is Clear locks Functionality in Teamcenter?

I’ve tried to provide solutions to the Some questions, For the remaining questions, you may directly contact me via personal message.

We will more post on PLM INTERVIEW QUESTIONS–>Teamcenter Interview in upcoming days.

Kindly provide your valuable comment on the below Comment section and Our Team will try to provide the best workaround.

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4 thoughts on “Teamcenter Job Interview Question & Answer For 2020”

  1. Its really great effort and its much helpful for who going to attend interview for PLM TCE app jobs.
    thanks a lot, it may change the career for person and life style .

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