Microsoft Visual Studio Project configuration for Teamcenter Unified ITK
Visual studio is one of the widely used IDE for software development. So, in Teamcenter ITK development also we use this IDE. Apart from visual studio dependency files (.h, .dll, and .lib, etc), Teamcenter dependency files are also required for ITK development. Once visual studio is installed, it should be configured for Teamcenter ITK development.
Before configuring, create a project as below
In Visual studio Editor: Click on File–>New–>Project
Select Win32 Console Application. Input the solution name and project name
DLL: Select DLL radio button and select “Empty project” in Additional options
EXE: Select “Console application” and select “Empty project” in Additional options.
Create a new .cpp file or add existing .cpp file under “Source File” folder in the project.
Set the below variables in the properties page (Right click–>Properties) of the project:
- Additional Library Directory–>lib directory path of the Teamcenter installation location
- Enable Incremental Linking–>No
3. Configuration Type–>DLL/EXE (as needed)
Teamcenter Unified Data Model Concept
4. Environment–>set TC_ROOT and TC_DATA path and call tc_profilevars.bat
5. Additional Include Directory–>$(TC_ROOT)\include and $(TC_ROOT)\include_cpp
6. Optimization=Disabled
7. Preprocessor Definitions–>IPLIB=none
Teamcenter Greenfield Implementation
8. Runtime Library–>Multi-threaded DLL
9. Additional Dependencies–> $(TC_ROOT)\lib\*.lib
10. Additional Library Directories–> $(TC_ROOT)\lib
11. Generate Debug Info–> Yes
12. SubSystem–> Console
Click OK.
We will more post on PLM TUTORIAL–>Teamcenter Customization in upcoming days.
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Microsoft Visual Studio Project configuration for Teamcenter Unified ITK
Very informative & in simple steps thanks for this content 👍keep it up.
Could you please explain me the step by step solution on: How to shift the overridden code to Visual Studio.
Step 01: In BMIDE, Override an base operation on any Object.
Step 02: Generate the C/C++ code.
Step 03: Some library files as well as dependency files are get created. (in “Generated” & “lib” Folders)
Step 04: New files are also get created for implementing customization in “Source” folder.
Now I want to shift the all code to Visual Studio and do the coding from there for better debugging option.
Thanks in advance 🙂
I will reply your query soon.
I will reply to your query soon.
Hi, I am trying to cerate a env for .exe generation but getting linkage issue. Can someone help me out?
unresolved external symbol main referenced in function “int __cdecl invoke_main(void)” (?invoke_main@@YAHXZ)