It is a product lifecycle management (PLM) computer software, originally created by UGS Corporation, a company which later became the famous Siemens Corporation.
Item is a folder that contains all necessary information required to manufacture that product.
Datasets are entities which manage the data files created by non-Teamcenter Unified applications such as
- text files(.txt)
- word document(.docx)
- Cad data(.catpart, .catproduct)
- Vis(JT files)
- Pdf file(pdf)
Item Revision Master Form:
All the CAD attributes related to Parts/Assembly like Material, Heat Treatment, Volume, Thickness etc. are entered into the Item revision master form.
In Teamcenter, a unified user is capable of performing below mentioned activities.
- User can View Default Group, Role and Site.
- User able to Change their Login Password.
- Create Item and dataset and also release the Item as per predefined workflow template.
- Folders and Sub-Folders can be created to run the data.
- In Home folder User can organize their data as per our need.
- User can search Teamcenter Objects by using Search option.
- Able to search Teamcenter Objects by using Pre-defined Search Queries based on Name, Item ID etc.
- User can also customize the Quick Links as per requirements.
- All Open items can be viewed in the Open Items section in the Application Pane.
- History Section is also available in the Application Pane.
- User can add item to the Favorites section in the Application Pane.
- User can Customize your action in the I want to… section in the Application Pane.
- Easier to get the Properties and Details of the Teamcenter Objects.
- Datasets like JT and forms like item revision master form, RM form can be viewed in Viewer.
- Bill Of Materials can be viewed in Structure Manager and the BOM can be exported locally as .html, MSWord, MSExcel etc..
- CAD data like CATPart, .prt files can be managed.
- Analyses like Where used, where reference can be performed in Teamcenter Unified.
The rich client interface is mostly used by authors, manufacturing authors, administrators to:
- Manage the design and configuration of product data.
- Construct and Preserve TC processes and structures.
- Design and Preserve TC.(TC–>Teamcenter)
- Access data stored in the Teamcenter database.
It simple words, it is Full application with large sets of configuration. Its available on Two-tier and Four-Tier as well.
The thin client interface is used by consumers, manufacturing consumers and reviewers to:
- Look data, including product structure and variant information in Web-based.
- Approve data attached to a workflow task.
- Visualize 2D drawings and 3D model.
It is a browser based application (URL based) with Lighter configuration. Its only applicable to Four-tier.
The thin client interface is ideal for suppliers, production staff, and other users who do not require extensive authoring or administrative access to Teamcenter.
Change your password:
- Choose Edit→User Setting.
- Click the Login tab.
- Click the Change Password button.
- Type the old password, the new password, and confirm the new password.
- Click OK.
Set the default role within a group:
- Choose Edit→User Setting.
- Click the Login tab.
- Select a group from the Default Role table and choose a role from the list.
- Click Apply.
Teamcenter saves the default role settings and applies them when you log on to a new session.
You can repeat this step to specify a default role for each group of which you are a member. Setting current work context
- Choose Edit>User Setting.
- Click the Session Settings link (The system displays the work contexts associated with the workflow tasks (including target objects) that are assigned to you).
- Click OK.
Note: Your administrator can choose to display all work contexts (rather than only those related to your assigned workflow tasks) in this list by setting the TC_wc_show_all preference.
We will more post on PLM TUTORIAL–>TEAMCENTER in upcoming days.
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How to empty Trash Can in Team Center