Enovia Interview Question and Answer:Set-3













Enovia Interview Question and Answer

Ques. List down 8 types of access that can be given in the state for an object?

Ans: There are total types of 32 access.

Which are as follows :

Read, Show, Modify, Revise, Grant, toconnect, fromconnect, todisconnect, fromdisconnect, freeze, thaw, Delete, Checkin, Checkout, Lock, Unlock, Create, Promote, Demote, Schedule, Execute, Changetype, ChangeName, ChangeOwner, ChangePolicy, ChangeVauil, Viewform, ModifyForm

Ques. What is iconmail and  How to check iconmail?

Ans: Iconmail is an internal mailing mechanism inside Enovia. To check iconmail from the web client,

Go to Tools –>Iconmail

Ques. What is the difference between Full User and Application User

Ans: A licensed user with normal user access. Full User is a prerequisite for use of the Business or System Administrators.

A licensed user that can access the ENOVIA Live Collaboration database only through the Live Collaboration Server or MQL. All other active users automatically have Application User privileges.

Ques. What is the difference between the Object Access and Administration Access for a Person?

Ans: Open a Person in Business Modeler. Go to Privileges tab. On this tab, you see 2 buttons for Object Access and Administration Access. Access provided in the Object access is kind of system level access which is a prerequisite before the access is evaluated at policy. However, grant supersedes all the object access evaluated from Person Object Access and then the Policy. Administration Access is required for the user to be able to work with different Admin types in Business modeler. Without these accesses, the person will not be able to create/modify the respective Admin Types. In order for this to work, the Person must have Business Adm checked as this is the prerequisite to login to Business/work with Admin types in ENOVIA (E.g. Type, Attributes, Page, and Relationship etc.)

Ques. What is Inactive user? Explain with example.

Ans: A defined user who does not currently have access to ENOVIA Live Collaboration. For example, suppose you have an employee who worked for some time within the ENOVIA Live Collaboration system. After that person leaves the company, you still have many business objects created and controlled by the person. Rather than change ownership for all these objects, you may want to maintain the old ownership so that you have a record of the original creator. By making the person inactive, you remove that person’s ability to access ENOVIA Live Collaboration while maintaining the status of all business objects the person created.

Ques. What is trusted user? Explain with example.

Ans: A licensed user for whom read and show access is not checked.

Ques. What is the difference between Group & Association

Ans: Group is a collection of Persons. Associations are created when access is to be provided to complex combinations (E.g. !User Agent / Designer || “Project Leader” && “Kernel Engineering” || Management)

                      Enovia V6 Interview Questions And Answers

Ques. What are the types of Programs?

Ans: MQL, JAVA, External (An external program consists of commands that are evaluated by the command line syntax of the machines from which they will be run.)

Ques. How to declare a class in a JPO? How to extend a class in a JPO? Explain with example

Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Ques. What is the difference between Immediate and Deferred?

Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Ques. What is the significance of Applies To? 

Ans – Contact us for answer of this question.

Ques. What is the significance of registered Suit?

Ans: To indicate which folder the JSP exists (In case of Commands which has a href as ${SUITE_DIR}). To indicate which property file to refer for retrieving a value of a property (e.g. emxEngineeringCentral.custom.ABC = TESTING is in emxEngineeringCentralStringResource.properties.)

Ques. How to make a field editable?

Ans: Editable = True in the properties of that field (Webform or Table)

Ques. What are the 4 values for Column Type

Ans : program, programHTMLOutput, checkbox, icon, image, file, separator

Ques. What is the difference between access expression and access mask

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. What is the order of evaluation of Access Tab, Access Mask, Expression and Access program

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. What is the difference between program and ProgramHTMLOutput

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. How to update a field when the field type is the program?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. What is the return type of the program passed to the emxTable.jsp? What it must contain?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. In order to get a value in the column from a program, what setting is required?

Ans.Column Type = program/programHTMLOutput. Function = function name, Program = programName

Ques. What is the difference between href and rangehref?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. What is menu? Can menu with without menu or command

Ans. Menu is a collection of submenus and commands. An empty menu cannot be displayed

           Enovia Interview QuestionsEngineering Central

Ques. What do you mean by current

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. What is the macro for a common directory


Ques.Name at least 2 parameters passed to emxTable.jsp

Ans.Table,program,mode etc

Ques. What is the setting to display a date chooser for a field

Ans. Format = date

Ques. What is the setting we need to display text box or field

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. What is the symbolic name? Why do we use it

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. How to add a command or menu to a menu?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. What is the difference between download and checkout from UI?

Ans:-Download: To copy the file to your computer without locking. You can download files even if someone has them locked. To download a file, you must have only checkout access on that object in that state.

Checkout: To check out files and lock them for editing (prevents anyone else from checking in or locking the files). For checking out a file, the user must have check out and lock access.

        Enovia Interview Question and Answer-Set2

Ques. Give 2 possible values of the setting Field Type in the Web form field setting

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques.Which is created first among Channels, Portals, and Commands

Ans.Portal, Channel, Command

Ques. Where do you create a bootstrap file? Give complete navigation?


    1. Go to System
    2. Open Install menu and click on Bootstrap command
    3. Provide the DB username and password and the connect string.
    4. Select the appropriate DB Driver and enter tablespaces

They must be of different type of at least have different revision.

Ques. How can we differentiate between 2 Business Objects having the same names?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. List the complete order of installation used while installing ENOVIA.

    1. Install the JDK
    2. Install the database
    3. Install Studio Modeling Platform (optional)
    4. Install Live Collaboration Server
    5. Create bootstrap file and copy to server folder.
    6. Install Business Process Services
    7. Install ENOVIA web applications (centrals)
    8. Run war utility to create war file.

Ques. While installing RMI we get an option RIP mode. What’s the use of it?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. How start Tomcat without using command promt?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. How is store different from Vault?


Vault: Vault is a logical partition in a database which stores business objects.

Store: Store is configured to point to folder location wherein the physical file checked into the business

object stored.

Ques. Brief about Person, Role, Group and Association.

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Brief common document model.

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques.How the file which is checked in to the document is connected in background.

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. How would you use MapList in your Java code?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. How would you count the number of company objects using MQL?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. What was the tough technical situation you have faced in last project?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. How do you handle project as a team leads?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. What was the tough situation you faced in project as a lead?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Please give some details on eMatrix – SAP integration you have worked on?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. What all information you transferred to SAP?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Was this integration single-way transfer or bi-directional?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. What are the customizations you have done on OOTB MxS integration to integrate eMatrix with SAP?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. How would you launch a new application from TCL?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Have you worked on Webservices?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Are you comfortable with Java and have you worked on JPO/Triggers?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Have you worked on multiple centrals and did they integrate?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. What problems/tough situations you faced while working/customizing the Centrals?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Have you worked on any migration project?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Are you familiar with Oracle 10g and Tomcat?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. What do you like and dislike in eMatrix?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. If there is some problem in PROD and you are not able to replicate that in DEV, what steps will you follow to solve the problem?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Query to create an attribute with 4 range values

Ans.add attr TESTATTR1 type string default TEST range = ADITYA range = SATISH range = PRASHANT range = AMOD;

Ques. Query to add attribute to existing type?

Ans.mod type TESTTYPE add attribute TESTATTR1;

Ques. Query to create policy with 5 states and 1 state has an override trigger

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Query to modify the type of an attribute?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. MQL query to register a newly created type?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Query to count all Part objects connected to Specification DOC-1?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Query to get ‘to’ objects connected to the Part object?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. MQL query to insert program?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Query to get the program code into a text file at a given location?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Query to get all ECRs in Plan ECO state?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Query to approve signature in the life cycle of an object?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Query to fetch all attribute values of a given type and name in the system?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Query to fetch all connected BO connected to a BO (ID) with rel EBOM?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Query to get object ids of all ECO’s in the system.

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Query to connect 2 BO?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Command to run spinner on MQL

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Different between temp query bus and print bus.

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Query to disconnect 2 objects

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. What measures do you take while evaluating the performance of an ENOVIA JAVA Code?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Explain Common Document Model?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. Worked with integrations (CAD/System – System)?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. How do you manage if you want to change the attribute name?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.

Ques. What are the different macros available in trigger objects?

Ans – Contact us for answer to this question.


I’ve tried to provide solutions to the Some questions, For the remaining questions, you may directly contact me via personal message.

We will more post on PLM INTERVIEW QUESTIONS–>Enovia Interview in upcoming days.

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2 thoughts on “Enovia Interview Question and Answer:Set-3”

  1. Dear Admin,

    Can you please share all 7 set q&a for ENOVIA questions. It would be really helpful if you send it today.

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