Could not open FCCJavaClientProxy library













Could not open FCCJavaClientProxy library

Facing error while uploading\downloading files from Teamcenter through SOA?

While running Teamcenter SOA application in eclipse and if that SOA application deals with uploading and downloading of Teamcenter files  Run time error you may face is like Could not open FCCJavaClientProxy library.

set FMS_HOME path in Ecllipse Environment then .Go to

  • Run as Application
  • Navigate to Environment Tab option
  • Click on new button and Create variable as FMS_HOME and value as $TC_ROOT\tccs (you can directly add path of Teamcenter root instead of $TC_ROOT)

In addition to setting FMS_HOME, it is also important to add the FMS ‘lib’ folder to your path statement.

For example,

set PATH=%PATH%;%FMS_HOME%\lib

By adding this to your path the java process will be able to find the needed .dlls for FMS.

Active Workspace Installation

In eclipse add the path as variable and in place of value copy all path related old value you can take this value by

  • Right-click on MyComputer
  • Click on Properties
  • In left-hand side click on Advanced system and settings
  • Navigate to Advanced tab
  • Environment variable
  • Switch to system variable copy the value of path and paste it inside eclipse Environment append; %FMS_HOME%\lib string inside path value.

Teamcenter Greenfield Implementation


We will more post on PLM TUTORIAL–>Teamcenter Customization in upcoming days.

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