Teamcenter Structure Manager Interview Questions and Answer













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Then it perfect time to find out to dig up the information about the Teamcenter. However, this article centered on Teamcenter Structure Manager Interview Questions which will help you to understand the criteria of the question.

So without further ado, please go through below article and note down important points to remember.

Here is the list of Teamcenter Structure Manager Interview Questions

Q.What is Structure Manager in Teamcenter?

Ans:-Structure Manager allows TC user to create standard Product structure that can be configured to show the Product Structure.

Structure manager functionality:-

  • Manage Engineering Bill of materials
  • Configure Variants

Structure Manager inter operates with other applications that define or use the Product Structure, Including Platform Designer, Design Context, Multi-structure Manager, Manufacturing Process Planner and Part Planner.

Q.What is the use of CCDM in structure manager?

Ans:- CCDM means Calibration and Configuration Data Management.

  • CCDM Provides solution to create and Manage Embedded software and configuration in Structure Manager.

Q.What is the Split Occurrence?

Ans:- Split occurrence means Assembly/part is selected into two line and quantity also splited.

Q.What is mean by Pack in structure manager?

Ans:-Packs the selected lines so that all lines with the same item revision and find number are displayed as a single line.

The actual quantity of lines is appended to the node.

  • Same item revision and find number for pack.
  • None have variant conditions or they all have the same variant condition.

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Q.What is unpack in structure manager?

Ans:- Unpacks the selected packed lines so that they are displayed as separate lines, one for each occurrence

Q.What is pack All in structure manager?

Ans:- Packs all means packable lines in the displayed structure Manager.

Q.What is unpack All in structure manager?

Ans:- Unpacks all lines in the displayed structure.

Q.What is Occurrence Effectively in SM?

Q. Specify the name of preference which will Unconfigured variants and what will be value for it .

Ans:- Preference name is  PSEEnableFilteringUnconfigdDueToClassicVariantsPref and its value is FALSE

Q.Specify the name of preference which will enable Classic Variant Configure to load

Ans:- We have set Enabled PSEEnableFilteringUnconfigdDueToClassicVariantsPref Preference and its value is True.

Q.Specify the name of preference which will enable  Audit log file in SM?

Ans:- Audit→View Audit Logs TC_audit_manager preference value is ON and the TC_audit_manager_version preference value is 2.

Q.When Export Configure NX data what is setting is needed?

Ans:- This command is visible only if your admin person sets the TC_ExportConfigUGNXAssembly preference to TRUE and NX is installed on the client machine.

Q.What is the preference name to visible in attachment like form, object?

Ans:- The visibility of this tab is controlled by the setting of the BOM_Display_Attachments_Panel preference.

Q.What is the preference name to allow to addition, edit or remove Increment Change in SM?        

Ans:- Set the preference Incremental_Change_Management.

Q.What is the preference name to allow to perform where used and where reference search?

Ans:- The visibility of this tab is controlled by the setting of the BOM_Display_Referencer_Panel preference.

Q.What is preference name of Display supersedure?

Ans:-Set the preference name is ECM_SET_GENEOLOGY.

Q.What is the preference name to assign variability of product?

Ans:-Set the preference name is PSM_global_option_item_ids preference.

Q.What is the preference name to see variant data condition?

Answer:- The visibility of this tab is controlled by the BOM_Display_Variant_Super_Panel preference.

Q.What is precise Structure?

Q.What is imprecise Structure?

Q.What is the Revision Rules and Variant Rule?

Q.What is the preference name of Default View type?

Ans:- Preference name is PSE_default_view_type.

Q.What is the find no in structure Manager?

Ans:- Basically find no. is defined as an individual occurrence like a set of occurrence with one level assembly. Its well organized by assembly within the component.

Q.What is the Occurrence in Structure manager?

Ans:-A structure association within parent assembly and their respective child.

For Imprecise assembly-Item revision

For Precise assembly-Child component

For the find number to identify an occurrence, Its not a unique no and Its varies according to data stored on the occurrence.

Q.What is the substitute in product structure?

Q.What is where used search assembly in TC?

Q.What is Multi-Structure Manager?

Ans:- Multi-Structure application allows to we compare two structure of the same product.

Example:-Compare Designing aspect and Manufacturing view of Two product.You have compared Multi structure through manually or Script and also run with or without Variant option.

Q. What is Nonspatial searches?

Ans:- Basically, we can search by organization parameter ,rather than performing a spatial search.

Organization attributes like position, Identifier, Occurrence and more…

Q.What is preference name of the default view type?

Ans:- Preference name: PSE_default_view_type and Default setting: view

Q.What is preference name of default revision rule?

Ans:- Preference name: TC_config_rule_name and Default setting: Latest Working

Q.What is Packing the Structure Manager display by default?

Ans:-Preference name: PSEAutoPackPref. and Its Boolean based  0 or 1 and 1 means TRUE.          

Q.What is the preference setting of BOM view precision?

Ans:- BOM views setting based on precise and Imprecise. Preference name: TC_BOM_Precision_Preference and Default setting: Imprecise.

What is preference name of visibility of unconfigured variant?

Ans:- We can changes the visibility setting through View→Show Unconfigured Variants menu command.

  • Preference name: PSEShowUnconfigdVarPref. Its Boolean based logic. 0 means hidden or 1 means display.
  • Its default value is 1.

Q.What is preference name of the color of precise and imprecise assemblies?

Ans:- Preference name: PSEImpreciseColorPref. Set to the color value for the display of imprecise lines,

Example :-#FFFFFF for white. The default colors are green and gray, respectively.

Q.What is preference name of owning item display for option variant data?

Ans:-Preference name: PSE_show_option_item_prefixmeans hidden or 1 means display and Default setting: 1

Q.What is default Color lines of Imprecise assemblies in Structure manager?

Ans:- The structure line appears in gray.

Q.What is default Color lines of Precise assemblies in Structure manager?

Ans:- The structure line appears in green.

Q.What is default Color lines of Substitute in Structure manager?

Ans:- The structure line appears in blue.

Q.What is default Color lines of Added occurrence after structure comparison in Structure manager?

Ans:- The structure line appears in red.

Q.What is default Color lines of Changed occurrence after structure comparison in Structure manager?

Ans:- The structure line appears in orange.

Q.Kindly explain which properties used in Product structure?

Ans:-Important Product structure properties are

1) Item properties

2) Item revision properties

3) BOM view revision properties

4) Occurrence properties

5) Display properties and more ..

Q.Your Teamcenter administrator can configure find number processing?

Q.What is the preference name of closure rule of Structure manager?

Ans:- preference name is  ClosureRulesForBomExpansion.

Q.What is the Closure rule in Structure manager?

Q.What is packing in structure manager with example?

Ans:- Grouping multiple identical components in one level of an assembly is known as packing.

You can pack components if they satisfy all of the following requirements:

  • They have the same item revision.
  • They have the same find number.

Q.What is the restriction of packed line in SM?

Ans:-The following restriction in Structure manager.

  • We have unable to edit Quantity
  • We have unable to replaced text Packed Notes
  • We have edit attributes like(Part name,Weight, and cost) with special permission.
  • We have modified the find no.(if structure is unpacked)

Q.What is the shortcut key of Unpack menu command?


Q.What is preference name for structure line packing checks?

Ans:- BOMExcludeFromPackCheck

Q.What is the preference name of designator packing rule setting?

Ans:- BOM_Enable_Ref_Designator_Value_Packing

Q.What is preference name of validation of designators is ON?


Q.How to insure duplication of updating find number?

Ans:- PS_Duplicate_FindNo_Update

Q.What is the preference name of allowing exclude sequence number from structure lines?

Ans:- PS_Duplicate_FindNo_Update

Q.What is preference name of allows you to exclude sequence no from structure line?

Ans:- BOMExcludeFromPackCheck

Q.What is aggregate occurrence in Structure manager?

Q.How to create an aggregate occurrence?

Q.What is condition required we have to see Export Configured UGNX assembly dialog box?

Ans:-Teamcenter admin person set the preference TC_ExportConfigUGNXAssembly is TRUE and NX is install client machine.

Q.NX button is not available in Structure manager and how to configure NX button to visible in Teamcenter?

Ans:-TC admin person set TC_show_open_in_NX_button preference to on to make them visible.

Q. TC-VIS button is not available in Structure manager and how to configure NX button to visible in Teamcenter?

Ans:- TC admin person set TC_show_open_in_vmu_button preference to on.

Q.What is preference name to configure Teamcenter converts legacy transform data?

Ans:- PS_allow_plmxml_transforms_with_no_legacy_factor.

Q.What is preference name to configure Teamcenter interprets the format of legacy transform data?

Ans:- PS_assume_old_transform_format

Q.What is preference name to configure Teamcenter interprets the unit of measure for legacy transform data?

Ans:- PS_assume_legacy_transform_units

Q.What is preference name to enable to display transform in PLM XML  format?

Ans:- PS_convert_legacy_transform_to_plmxml

Q.What is setting required for remote import in Structure manager?

Ans:- PSE_prompt_for_remote_import

Q.What is variant and what are option and values?

Q.What is Classic variant?

Ans:- Classic variant configuration supports:

  • Options that are a mandatory choice or an accessory.
  • Components that may be configured by more than one option.
  • Variant assemblies that may be shared between products.

Classic variant configuration does not support:

  • Automatic creation of variant item.
  • Updating of existing variant items

Note : Modular variants are not available with precise structures. If you want to implement modular variants, create imprecise structures.



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