Brief details of Teamcenter Multi-site Collaboration-02














Brief details of Teamcenter Multi-site Collaboration-02


The first Please read Teamcenter Brief details of Teamcenter Multi-site Collaboration-01 on the below link.

Brief details of Teamcenter Multi-site Collaboration-01


To Be Continued …..

Remote Search

  • Only Published items are available for Remote search.
  • Saved Query in Teamcenter can be used for this.
  • Even though item with its Icon is shown as a result, Item can not be expanded
  • This is just an indication that Item exists in ODS.
  • In order to use this item, it needs to be remote imported first.

Remote Import / Remote Export

  • To make these operations, item has to be present on ODS.
  • Tools → Import → Remote OR Tools → Export → To remote Site
  • Successful import creates a copy of the item in Home folder
  • Import or Export can be done in two modes
    • With ownership to the destination site
    • Without ownership (send as a replica) to the destination site
  • Automatic sync option to be set if required at the time of operation.

Object Import / Export

  • When two sites in the federation do not have a direct connection, this method is used.
  • This is a crude form of the Item export/import
  • Item and its components are transferred using object import/export and related files are transferred using offline FTP methods.
    Tools → Export → Objects OR Tools → Import → Objects


  • When an item is shared with a remote site, a replica of it needs to be updated from time to time. This is done by synchronization.
  • This may be completed as a scheduled task.
  • Modes of Synchronization –
    • Automatic Sync – Need to be set at the time of item export/import.
    • Batch Sync – Done by data_sync utility.
    • Tools → Multi-site Collaboration → Synchronize

                                          Multisite Utility

There are many utilities in Teamcenter which can be used for data sharing on multi-site collaboration.
Few of them are listed below –

  • Item_export
  • Item_import
  • data_share

When the master object is modified, replicas may be up to date with the aid of using a gadget administrator via this utility. The procedure of retaining replicated facts up-to-date is known as synchronization.


When item is shared with the remote site, a replica of it needs to be updated from time to time. This is done by synchronization.

  • export_recoveryFor recovering site ownership of object
  • sync_on_demand
  • database_verify.

Multisite Activities

Data_Share Command Template

data_share -u=**** -p=***** -g=***** -f=send -site= -item_id= -rev= -exclude=IMAN_UG_wave_geometry -exclude=IMAN_UG_wave_part_link -exclude=IMAN_UG_wave_position

Dats_Sync Command Template

data_sync -u= -p= -g=**** -sync -update -item= -latest_released -latest_ds_version -site=****** -log -report=**** -exclude=IMAN_UG_wave_geometry -exclude=IMAN_UG_wave_part_link -exclude=IMAN_UG_wave_position


                                             Multisite preference name

We have set the login to the Portal.bat and Below Preference in ODS Site.

And also Import the site preference from the current preference in IMAN_DATA.

ODS_site (ODS site name)

ODS_searchable_sites (ODS site name)

ODS_publication_sites (ODS site name)

ODS_permitted_sites (SiteA, SiteB, ODSSite)

IDSM_permitted_sites (Site_INDIA, Site_USA, ODSSite)

IDSM_permitted_transfer_sites (Site_INDIA, Site_USA, ODSSite)

IDSM_compression (TRUE)

IDSM_compression_type (InfoZip)

IDSM_ft_use_rpc_mode (TRUE)

IDSM_permitted_checkout_sites (Site_INDIA, Site_USA)

IMAN_transfer_area (C:\Temp)

IMAN_publishable_classes (Make sure Item is there)

We have make the new pom schema files in IMAN_DATA and make sure all the sites have the pom Scheme files(install -gen_xmit_file user  password role)

Copy one site Pom schema file to another site and vice versa, both should be available in both sites.


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