PLM: Enovia Interview Questions And Answers

Enovia Interview Questions And Answers













Q.1 What is the difference between Business Objects and Domain Object classes?

Ans: The Business Object class is a logical representation of a Matrix business object Whereas The Domain Object class represents

the top-level class for the AEF java Classes.

And Domain Object class is the child class of Business Object class.

Q.2 What for Business Object class?

Ans:- The Business Object class is a logical representation of a Matrix business object.

Q.3 How do u create Business Object in matrix Database using BusinessObject class?

Ans:-BusinessObject(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String revision, java.lang.String vault)
Create a new BusinessObject object

con = new Context(“”);




BusinessObject bo=new BusinessObject (“mj_BIKE”,”mj_Bike_Yamaha”,”1″,”mj_GEVehicleStorage”);;


Q.4 How to create Business Object for existing  object in Matrix database?

Ans:- bo.clone(con,”mj_BIKE_Scooty”,”1″,”mj_GEVehicleStorage”);

Q.5 In which package the BusinessObject class reside?

Ans:-In matrix.db;

Q.6 Whether DomainObject extends businessObject or businessObject extends DomainObject?

Ans:- DomainObject extends BusinessObject.

Q.7 During check-in what happens?

Ans:- Copy files from the local workstation to a business object.

Q.8 How to get the various information of domainObject using single method?

Q.9 How to get information of object using BusinessObject?

Q.10 Name few packages present in eMatrix?

Q.11 Name few packages under AEF?

Q.12 What is the purpose of findObjects() method of DomainObject class? return type? parameters?

Q.13 What is the purpose of getRelatedObjects() method of DomainObject class? return type? parameters?

Q.14 What is the difference between getRelatedObject() & getRelatedObjects() methods of DomainObject class? return type? parameters?

Q.15 How do u revise an object?

Q.16 How do u invoke JPO from jsp?

Q.17 How u will write SQL commands form jsp?

Q.18 What is the purpose of MailUtil.sendMessage() method?

Q.19 What is MapList? How do u sort mapList?

Q.20 What is StringList?where it reside?

I’ve tried to provide solutions to the Some questions, For the remaining questions, you may directly contact me via personal message.

We will more post on PLM INTERVIEW QUESTIONS–>Enovia Interview in upcoming days.

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53 thoughts on “PLM: Enovia Interview Questions And Answers”

  1. Hi i want answers of all the question of Enovia and mql tcl can you please provide me answers of all question?

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