How to Improve Communications Skill
Good communication is essential for success these days. People with good communication have better chances of cracking any interview.
Also your chances of growth in the organization will improve drastically if you are having strong communication skills.
All these are proven facts with data points that tech knowledge can make you successful but to start your career you need to pass the hurdle of interviews. Communication is one of the key skills to be victorious at any interview.
So most people ask me what is good communication?
Is it speaking good English with the right grammar?
My answer to all this is a Big No. My point of view towards communication is a little more subjective, which includes 3 aspects one your verbal or oral communication, your second your body language and the third is mode or language. I will go into detail about all these some other day, for today let’s have a quick overview on how we can polish our communication to be ready for upcoming interviews, debates or presentation.
In this article I will not tell any difficult or impossible to do activities, rather I will just give 5 easiest steps which include watching movies, listening songs, and actually just writing your daily journal. Trust me all these fun activities can change your communication drastically. Now you must be wondering how watching movies going to help you. Let us get started and please follow these simple steps religiously and share your experiences in comments below. Communication can be divided into 5 areas which are Speaking, Reading, Writing, Listening and Body Language. You must work on all these 5 to become natural and impressive at your communication.
First activity is start watching your favourite web-series or documentary for 15 minutes and please put your heads phone while listening to those and pay full focus on all the conversations. Now when you are done watching take one-minute break and think about what you just saw and start penning it down on a paper. Make sure when you are writing you cover all the incidents from all the perspectives and try to conclude what you just saw.
Once you are done writing take a minute break and start reading it loud and record yourself on some video while you are doing so. Once done speaking see yourself and compare with the video on web-series and see where you are going flat and what all you are missing.
Now to see in this 50-minute exercise you are covering listening, writing speaking, reading and at last at your body language. Trust me if you do watch your favorite tv series or documentary with intend of improving your communication you will not just only get entertained but also improve day by day.
Please see the video below How to improve Communication Skills?
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