Enovia Interview Question and Answer|Set6














Ques. What is meant by bootstrap file?

Ans: Bootstrap file will have the database information, through which the thick client will connect to the Oracle Database.

Ques.Difference between stores and vaults?

Ans: A store is a storage location for checked-in files. All files checked in and used by

Matrix is contained in a file store.

Vault: A vault is a grouping of like objects within the Matrix database.

Vaults fall into 2 categories:

    • Business object vaults (you can have many).
    • An Administration vault (only one exists, for admin objects).

Ques.Types of vaults?

Ans: 3 Types of Vaults are there.

LOCAL: It is stored in the same eMatrix Database.

REMOTE: Remote vaults are used for loosely coupled databases, which allow two entirely different eMatrix installations to share data.

FOREIGN: Vault location is in the server location. A server entry area is       provided. Allows data from virtually any source to be modelled as Matrix objects.

Ques.Types of stores. Explain?

Ans: 3 types of stores are there.

Ingested Files

An ingested file store contains ingested files, which are completely controlled by eMatrix. The information within the files is subject to eMatrix access control. This results in the fastest processing times and the simplest file maintenance. Once a file is ingested, it can be retrieved only using eMatrix and cannot be accessed using any of the system file utilities.

Capture Files

A captured file store contains captured files. A captured store offers a bit more flexibility than an ingested store in regard to system control while still taking advantage of matrix file and access control. Captured files are maintained by eMatrix and are subject to the access rules defined in the policy that governs the file associated with the business object. The primary means of accessing the file is from eMatrix, although it is possible to access it from the file system.

Tracked Files

A tracked file store contains tracked files, which provide the least amount of eMatrix control.EMatrix maintains information about the file but does not control the physical file itself; the naming, maintenance, and general access are controlled external to eMatrix. A tracked file maintains the maximum amount of external control while allowing some access from within eMatrix.

Ques. Which store has an advantage over others?

Ans. Captured Storage has better advantages than others.

Enovia Interview Question and Answer|Set-5

Ques. Do u used all type of stores in u r project?

Ans. No, generally we use ingested and captured.

Ques.What for “HashedNames” used in captured stores?

Ans: For Captured Stores only, select Hash Names if you want Captured stores to use filename hashing, which is the ability to scramble the file name. When filename hashing is on (the default), captured stores generate hashed names for checked-in files. Since the files for captured stores are physically stored on disk, the names are hashed to be recognized by eMatrix only. To maintain the uniqueness of the files we use hash names.

Ques. What is location?

Ans: It’s an alternate path or hostname for the captured Store.

We have to give the pathname, port name, protocol name, hostname, FTPUserName and Password. Locations contain alternate host, path and FTP information for a captured store. The host, path and FTP information in the store definition is considered to be the default location for the store, while any associated location objects identify alternate file servers. Think of a location as another store—it is defined as an FTP/NFS or UNC “location.” The same rules apply as in specifying a store.

Ques. What is the site?

Ans: It’s a collection of locations. A site can be associated with a person or group object. When associated with a                person, the site defines the list of locations preferred by a particular person. When associated with a group,
the site defines the list of locations preferred by all members of the group.

Sites are nothing more than a set of locations. A site can be associated with a person or group object. When associated with a person, the site defines the list of locations preferred by a particular person. When associated with a group, the site defines the list of locations preferred by all members of the group. When files are accessed via a Collaboration server, the server’s initialization file (ematrix.ini) should contain the following setting to set the preference for all its users: MX_SITE_PREFERENCE = SITENAME where SITENAME is the name of the site object. This setting overrides the setting in the person, group, or role definition for the site preference, and should be set to the site that is local to the server. Additionally, a file collaboration server may be configured (refer to File Collaboration Server (FCS)) to optimize the performance of file check in and checkout in a replicated environment.

Enovia Interview Question and Answer|Set-4

Ques. What are the parameters required for creating the captured store?

Ans: pathname, port name, protocol name, hostname, indexspaces, tablespaces Search URL.

Ques.How do u relate a particular SITE to a Person?

Ans: While creating a person two option are there in defaults. You can relate the Site and Vault.

Ques. If the store is full, then what to do?

Ques.How to lock the STORE.

Ans: Mark the checkbox available in Store.

Ques. Tell me the procedure to transfer all ADMIN objects from one eMatrix Database to another eMatrix Database?

Ques. Tell me the procedure to transfer all Business Objects from one eMatrix Database to another eMatrix Database?

Ques. How do u take backup of particular vault?

Ques. Where the Vaults, Store, Site will be created?

Ques.what for “Server” Object is used in the system?

Ans: Server object is needed for distributing the database across multiple servers.

Ques. What are the parameters required for creating Remote Vault?

Ans: While creating a remote Vault we have to only give the server address.

Ques. Explain Remote Vault.

Ans: To share the Vault through multiple servers.

Ques.What access to be given to a person and where it has to be mentioned if he needs to access System modler?

Ques.How do you change your eMatrix database to another?


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