Teamcenter Interview Question with Multiple Answer
Kindly give the answer the below question in the comment box.
1.How we can revise ideas item revision
- File – > Revise
- Ideas -> Revise
- File-> New -> Revise
- Ideas -> File -> New -> Revise
2.When we perform Save As operation which of the following is true.
- A new copy of the selected object is created.
- A new reference to the selected object will be created
- Selected object is moved from one container to another container
- Save As operation is not supported by Teamcenter
3. Implicit check-out is performed by
- User
- Happens Automatically
- 3-party user
- Either ‘a ’ or ‘b’
- Which of the following options are used to create item in Teamcenter?
- File -> New -> Item
- From ‘I want to Tab’ -> Create an Item
- With short cut keys ‘Ctrl + T’
- Any one of above
5. Which of the following are checkpoint for ownership transfer
- item revision is in workflow process
- Item owning user
- Checked out Objects in item
- All of the above
6. To view the JT file from Teamcenter which of the following tab is used from Data Panel.
- Viewer
- Details
- Summary
- Display Data
7.How we can see assembly JT in Teamcenter.
- We can’t see assembly jt in Teamcenter
- We can see assembly jt from PSE application- Data panel -viewer
- We can see assembly jt from My Navigator – data panel viewer tab
- None of the above
8.occurrences in Structure Manager corresponds to
- Quantity within each specified occurrence
- Number of times the component is used in the BOM
- Number of times the component is not used in the BOM
- Both ‘a’ & ‘b’
- Structure Manager is used for
- Viewing Part Structure
- Viewing Form Structure
- Viewing Assembly structure
- Viewing Item Structure
- By default which of following folder are available in Users Navigator Panel
- Home
- Transfer Folders
- Folder
- Intermediate Folder
- When a dataset is in check-out condition, means
- Checked out user can modify
- Any User can modify
- User cannot modify
- Both a and b
12. Every Item is having
- At least one revision
- At least two revisions
- At least three revisions
- Don’t require any item revisions
- While creating a new item which of the following object is not created in Teamcenter?
2.Item Master Form
3.Item Rec Master Form - Teamcenter Inbox sub-folders are available.
1.Task to Perform
2.Task to track
3.Task to view
4.Both (a) & (b)
- Which of the following are true in case of where used
- We can search Where used from Reference tab data panel from My Navigator
- It shows selected item revision is used in which assembly item rev
- It shows selected item revision where referenced in the database
- We can search One Level, Top Level and all level depending upon requirement
- Which of the following is true in case of Teamcenter Search
- It uses Pre configured query to search the data
- We can user combination of text and asterisk i.e. * symbol
- We can search with combination of one or more search attributes from query
- None of Above
17. When an Item Revision is in released condition, means
- User cannot modify
- User can modify
- User can’t be checked out
- Both (b) & (c)
- Which of the following are true in the case of the Precise Assembly?
- BOM Lines are configured to specific item rev
- If the user updates child components in TC, Precise assembly doesn’t reflect
- Precise assembly, BOM Lines are configured to the specific item
- None of the above.
19. Which of the following options are used to create Dataset in Teamcenter
- File -> New -> Dataset
- From ‘I want to Tab’ -> Create a Dataset
- With short cut keys ‘Ctrl + D’
- Anyone of above
20.How we can revise ideas item revision
- File – > Revise
- Ideas -> Revise
- File-> New -> Revise
- Ideas -> File -> New -> Revise
- Which of the following are checkpoint for ownership transfer
- item revision is in the workflow process
- Item owning user
- Checked out Objects in item
- All of the above
- TC Embedded Visualization is used to view
- JT
- Form Attributes
- All of above
- Explicit check-out is performed by
- User
- Happens Automatically
- Teamcenter doesn’t support for Explicit check out
- Both options (a) & (b)
24. Which of the following statements is true in the case of Item ID?
- Two items can have same item id
- Unique id
- Maximum 3 items can have same unique id
- Teamcenter doesn’t have any restrictions on Item id
- Insert Reference operation in RM Code is used for
- To perform Cut paste operation on the material and material feedback form, within different item revisions of the same item.
- To perform Copy paste operation on the material and material feedback form, within different item revisions of two different item.
- To perform Copy paste operation on the material and material feedback form, within different item revisions of the same item.
- To perform Cut paste operation on the material and material feedback form, within different item revisions of two different items.
26. Every Item is having
- At least one revision
- At least two revisions
- At least three revisions
- Don’t require any item revisions
27. Teamcenter Inbox following subfolders are available
- Tasks to Perform
- Tasks to Track
- Tasks to View
- Both (a) & (b)
28.occurrences in Structure Manager corresponds to
- Quantity within each specified occurrence
- Number of times the component is used in the BOM
- Number of times the component is not used in the BOM
- Both ‘a’ & ‘b’
29. Changes made in Structure Manager are saved in
- Item Revision Master Form
- Item Master Form
- BOM View Revision
- BOM View Form
30.By default which of the following folder are not available in Users Navigator Panel
- Home
- Transfer Folders
- New Stuff
- Mail Box
- Workflow Viewer is used to
- View the structure of Assembly
- View the progress of any Workflow
- View 3D Model in workflow
- Both (b) & (c)
- Which of the following are true in case of imprecise Assembly?
1. In imprecise assembly, BOM Lines are configured to specific item rev
2. In imprecise assembly, BOM Lines are configured to specific item object
3.If the user updates child components in TC, imprecise assembly update as per configured revision rule.
4.Both a and c - How we can see assembly JT in TC
- We can see assembly JT from My Navigator – data panel viewer tab
- We can’t see assembly JT in Teamcenter
- We can see assembly JT from PSE application- Data panel -viewer
- We can see assembly JT in TC Visualization standalone application launching through PSE
- When an Item Revision is in released condition, means
- User cannot modify
- User can modify
- User can’t checked out
- Both (b) & (c)
- Which of the following are true in case of Where referenced
- It shows selected item revision is used in which assembly item rev
- We can search Where referenced from the Reference tab data panel from My Navigator
- It shows selected item revision where referenced in the database
- We can search One Level, Top Level and all level depending upon the requirement
- Which of the following is true in the case of Teamcenter Search
- It uses Pre-configured query to search the data
- We can user a combination of text and asterisk i.e. * symbol
- We can search with a combination of one or more search attributes from query.
- None of Above
37. Which of the following options are used to initiate a workflow process after selecting item revision in Teamcenter
- File -> New -> Workflow process
- From ‘I want to Tab’ -> Create a Workflow Process
- With short cut keys ‘Ctrl + P’
- Anyone of above
38.When we perform the Copy-Paste operation which of the following is true
- A new copy of the selected object is created.
- A new reference to the selected object will be created
- The selected object is moved from one container to another container
- Depending upon object Teamcenter will choose between options ‘a’ and ‘b’.
39. Explicit check-out is performed by
- User
- Happens Automatically
- Teamcenter doesn’t support for Explicit check-out
- Both options (a) & (b)
40. Which of the following are checkpoint for ownership transfer
- item revision is in the workflow process
- Item owning user
- Checked out Objects in item
- All of the above
41. Assembly Item i.e. item with Assembly structure has JT in Teamcenter
- Yes
- No
- Can’t Say
42. Which of the following statements is true in the case of Item ID?
- Two items can have the same item id
- Unique id
- Maximum 3 items can have the same unique id
- Teamcenter doesn’t have any restrictions on Item id
43. User Inbox in Teamcenter is available at
- Home
- My Work list
- Workflow Viewer
44.of occurrences in Structure Manager corresponds to
1.Quantity within each specified occurrence
2.Number of times the component is used in the BOM
3.Number of times the component is not used in the BOM
4.Both ‘a’ & ‘b’
45. If we have not selected any folder object while creating a new item in Teamcenter, then the new item will be created in
1.New Stuff Folder
2.Home Folder
3.Mail Box Folder
4.New object will not be created
46. When a dataset is in check-out condition, means
1.Checked out user can modify
2.Any User can modify
3.User cannot modify
4.Both a and b
47. Workflow Viewer is used to
1.View the structure of Assembly
2.View the progress of any Workflow
3.View 3D Model in workflow
4.Both (b) & (c)
48. Changes made in PSE are saved in
1.Item Revision Master Form
2.Item Master Form
3.BOM View Revision
4.BOM View Form
49. Which of the following are true in case of where used
1. It shows selected item revision where referenced in the database
2. We can search Where used from the Reference tab data panel from My Navigator
3. It shows selected item revision is used in which assembly item revision
4.We can search One Level, Top Level and all level depending upon the requirement
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